Friday, March 23, 2018
Friday, March 23, 2018
Reading: Psalm 31:9-16
"Into your hand I
commend my spirit:
you have redeemed me, O LORD
God of truth." (Psalm 31:5)
The antiphon
chosen for the psalm on the approaching Sunday of the Passion is from verse 5,
not from among the verses chosen for chanting on this day. But we sing this
phrase from Psalm 31:5 every time we use the office of Compline, or Prayer At
the Close of Day. It is a beautiful prayer to use to end the day, before lying
down to rest: "Into your hand, O LORD, I commend my spirit." Only in
the Gospel of Luke do we hear these words from Jesus on the cross at the end of
his life, contrary to what composites like the Seven Last Words would lead us
to think. In the passion account according to Mark, which we will hear in two
days' time, Jesus cries out using words from Psalm 22, as he does also in
Matthew's account. Why, we could wonder, did Luke choose Psalm 31:5?
Merciful God, into your hands
we commend our spirits Amen
- • Eat no meat or oil today.