Monday, February 19, 2018
Monday, February 19, 2018
Orthodox Great Lent begins
Reading: Mark 1:9-15
"[Jesus] was in the
desert forty days, tempted by Satan, and he was with the wild beasts; and the
angels waited on him." Mark 1:13
Hebrew scholar
Everett Fox notes that when one encounters the desert, wind, or fire in the
Hebrew scriptures, one is about to encounter change, transformation. Mark the
Evangelist, gives the tersest account of Jesus' baptism and - immediately!,
Mark says - Jesus was driven by the Holy Spirit into the wilderness, into the
desert, which, for Mediterranean people, was a place of spirits. Mark, unlike
Matthew, does not elucidate what tests Jesus underwent in that place of spirits.
The Book of Kells shows a black humanlike figure, with wings, testing Jesus; a
1360 manuscript from Köln portrays the tester as a young blonde man; in a 15th
century illustration, the tester is a seemingly human man - with great birdlike
feet protruding from beneath his robe. A place of spirits. What transformation
occurred there? And in this intentional desert called Lent, what will we
encounter among the wild beasts? How will we be transformed?
May our fasting and prayer
this season, O God, lead us into transformed lives. Amen
- · identify something that lures you away from your true identity as a baptized person. pray about it.