Wednesday, February 14, 2018 ASH WEDNESDAY

Wednesday, February 14, 2018
worship: noon & 7 pm
joel 2:1-2, 12-17; ps. 51:1-17; 2 cor.
5:20b-6:10; matt. 6:1-6,
Return to the LORD, your God,
who is gracious and merciful, slow to anger, and abounding in steadfast love.
(gospel acclamation for ash wednesday, Joel 2:13)
Lent begins with
the rite of Confession and Forgiveness and the smudging with ashes, a visible
sign of repentance, compunction, and humility, among other meanings. But the
reading from the prophet Joel reminds us that all external ceremonies are as
nothing unless they are accompanied by a new heart, a heart of compassion and
concern for others, lived out in the actual, physical world. "Rend your
hearts and not your garments," Joel calls out to us over the millenia. May
it be so.
Create in us clean hearts, O
God, and renew right spirits within us. Amen
veil crosses with deep
purple cloth or unbleached muslin, a fast for the eyes.
· listen to the
tenor recitative and aria, “ye people rend your hearts/if with all your heart”
from Mendelssohn’s “elijah.” (