Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Wednesday, February 28, 2018
Jewish Festival of Purim begins at sunset
Worship: Noon, soup meal follows; 7 pm, soup meal at 6 PM.
Reading: Psalm 25:5
"Lead me in your truth, and teach me, for you are the God of my salvation; for you I wait all day long."

            Over the centuries it has been a practice in the church to veil crosses and icons during the season of Lent. The oldest written evidence of this symbolic custom is from 7th century France, then, in Italy about the year 1000. It is intended as a fast for the eyes, a part of the discipline we consciously take on during the days of Lent's austerity. In a few cathedrals and monasteries, Freiburg and Millstadt Abbey, to name two, a large Lenten veil was hung between the congregation and the altar, sometimes painted with scenes of the Passion. In the Sarum rite, a Lenten array of white linen covered the altar during Lent. In the Orthodox Church, the royal doors to the altar remain closed to signify how sin separates us from God. Veiling the crosses and icons is a simplifying of our worship environment, just as we are simplifying our daily lives with prayer and fasting. All these are not ends in themselves, but aids to preparing the soil of our spirits and our lives for newness to spring up with the Risen Christ.

All-loving God, we place in your care our hearts, our wills, our lives. Amen

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